
Ngā whakataetae

2025 competitions

NZAFT and French Embassy Student competition 2025.docx

Year 11  Video competition 2023

Year 11 video competition.docx

Year 13 Creative writing competition 2023: Le Petit Prince

Congratulations to our prize winners:

1st Prize ($150): Lucy Dong (Otago Girls High School)

3rd Prize equal ($50): Calla Rix (Tawa College) and Tessa Marshall (Avonside Girls’ High School)

You can read the winning entries here:

Petit Prince creative writing concours 2023

Lucy Dong First Prize

_Le Petit Prince - Lucy Dong OGHS.docx

CALLA RIX Third Prize equal

Calla Rix - Tawa College - Le Petit Prince Writing Document.docx

Tessa Marshall Third Prize equal

Petit Prince Chapter Tessa Marshall AGHS.docx