
Te whakauru

Why join us?

Why should you become a member of the NZAFT?

The NZAFT is your voice. Without members, we could not exist to represent you in forums (for example the Ministry) which affect our teaching and learning. The strength of our voice is dependent on a broad base of membership.

You are part of a family of teachers of French in New Zealand which provides opportunities for networking with others who share your passion for teaching and learning French.

Members are able to share knowledge of their subject by belonging to a hub of professional colleagues.

You and your school are eligible to apply for the Mark Williams award for financial assistance for your project.

Your students are able to enter our competitions.

Support is readily available regarding curriculum matters, through other members or your regional officer.

The sharing of assessment material, experience and moderation opportunities.

Opportunities for professional development are promoted to members.

Through the website, resources and ideas can be shared and accessed by members.

How to join us

NZAFT membership is processed in co-operation with NZALT.

If you have already registered with NZALT (i.e. you are a paid member of NZALT or receive the NZALT newsletter), please use your NZALT login when registering for NZAFT membership.

If you are not currently registered with NZALT, and therefore do not have a login, you will have the option to create one.

Click below to access the membership form.

Please note: If you are NOT a NZALT member or do not remember your password you will be asked to create a password. This does not mean that you are joining NZALT it is just a provisional access pathway to the NZAFT membership form.
