Central-South Auckland

Quoi de neuf ?

Start of year Zoom

On Tuesday 11 February, Auckland French Teachers had a zoom to discuss our 2024 experiences, changes to COA's and vocab lists and all other things French related. Next time we will have a face to face meeting! Come join us!

Ponsonby Crêpes

An easy and successful end of year celebration - find a crêperie near you!  

We went to Ponsonby Crêpes - the service was in French, super quick and easy. Particularly popular - lemon sugar, Nutella and the passionfruit!

In the absence of a trip to France this year (or indeed in their whole school life - merci Covid - this was a happy end to the year from my Year 12's and 13's.

Communication with the crêperie was also really easy - I just gave numbers the day before and they had arranged a table for us, happy for everyone to order and pay separately - facile quoi!

French businesses

Let's support our French / French styled businesses.  This spreadsheet (link below) will be a continual evolution - mostly Auckland based.  Taking your students to a French restaurant, for crêpes, picking up pâtisseries - or just ordering something online - there is something for everyone.  The pictures to the left are of a rather good pain au chocolat from Copain - on Mackelvie Street, Grey Lynn and an also rather good nutella crêpe from Ponsonby Crêpes!  Feel free to add and businesses you know! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iTtAA7J5urLOJQa0ZeGJvTaAjIHzV8gsDQNssPVcA0g/edit?usp=sharing


On Thursday 1st August St. Mary's College hosted Etienne for an hour of French musical fun.  Etienne gave it his all - as did our students.  The ambiance was electric, the dance moves were wild and the noise was off the scale.  Highly recommend having Etienne if you are able - a great motivator for students taking French!


We had a wonderful evening of quizzery on Tuesday 11 June.  Students from Carmel, Baradene, EGGS, Takapuna Grammar and St. Mary's battled it out for the cup. Trivia, costumes, spot prizes, dance off, zumba, conversation circles...sugar and chocolate - there was something for everyone.  Takapuna took the trophy and 1st place, with 2nd and 3rd places both going to St. Mary's College.  See you all next year (and others too we hope!)

Tour de Quiz

Tour de Quiz @ Epsom Girls Grammar School

A massive thanks for the supreme organisation by Tessa Clarke - TIC French at Epsom Girls Grammar - of the quiz fun we all had on Thursday 4 April.  It was an evening of blooket, quizlet and kahoot for Year 11 French students.

Students from Dio, St. Mary's, Baradene, Northcote College and EGGS came together to compete for points.  There were many opportunities for interaction and making new friends and a great time was had by all. 

Congratulations to the winning schools:

1st Place - Epsom Girls Grammar School

2nd Place -St. Marys College

3rd Place - Baradene College

Join Auckland French Teachers on Facebook

If you would like to be part of our Facebook page - for Auckland teachers - please join here! https://www.facebook.com/groups/286449925467086/?mibextid=oMANbw

Speed Dating - 29 August

For quite a few years we have had a Speed Dating morning between King's College and St. Mary's College.  It is a time for Year 10 - 13 students to have quick rotating chats with groups from the opposing school.  It is lovely to see students greet each other after their 3rd or 4th year of conversing and lovely to see the awkward interactions take place between our younger students.

French Senior Quiz

On Thursday 24 August we held another successful quiz for Year 12 and 13 students from across the rohe.  St. Mary's hosted and were joined by students from Baradene College, Mt Albert Grammar School, Takapuna Grammar, Epsom Girl's Grammar and Westlake Boys.  Over a couple of hours, brains were tested through rounds covering sport and culture, reo Tahiti, grammar, trivia, music and famous people.  Inbetween rounds we had dance offs, spot prizes and some zumba.  Massive thanks to the teachers who continually support their students. Congratulations to:

First Place - Baradene College "Les Coqs"

Second Place - Epsom Girl's Grammar "Les Petit(e)s Princes

Third Place - MAGS - Les Princesses et le petit pois

Les Tortues Ninjas

Les Olympiens

Les Coqs

Les Princesses et le petit pois

Tahitian Dance

On Monday 31 July, students at St. Mary's College were lucky enough to be treated to a Tahitian Dance workshop provided through Tui Tuia - thanks to Simon McGinley.

Lei and Mano came and performed some dances, taught the girls about instruments, movement and costume and of course…got them moving!

We had a student use her trumpet skills to blow the conch shell and then it was all on – hips, arms, and knees moved in unison as the girls learned and eventually performed a dance.


This workshop dovetailed beautifully with Cook Island Languages Week and having international students in school from Japan so the day definitely felt like a moment of connecting cultures and countries.